What Is Java Language? History Of Java.

What Is Java Language? History Of Java.

What is Java? – Not to mention what the programming language refers to before it’s detailed. A man’s age computer does not understand the language but our spoken language. Understand only one language whose name, machine language or binary language. So binary language or machine language but only the sum of 0 and 1.

That means, if I give a command to the computer, then only the machine language of that command is understandable. To better say, computer understands 0010100110110011 ……… No strings in this section.

What is the way to contact the computer? Do we memorize the binary instruction for millions of millions of computer’s commands? The discovery of the programming language to overcome this problem. This special language acts as an intermediary, which will take any command of the people and it will explain the computer to its language. The world’s first programming language probably meant Ada. But due to the evolution of programming language gradually, it is divided into three main categories. In which JAVA is called high-level language because it is easily understood as human language.


History of Java creation:

When the microprocessor evolution is in the human computer

In order to bring a breakthrough, Sun Microsystems took a project in 1991, with the code name – “Green”, team chief James Gosling invented a C ++ language based on the name of the name Oak-Oak. Given that he saw an oak tree outside his room. Later it can be seen that Oak already has a programming language.

Later, when the Java team members went to a coffee shop, their java name was proposed and they received it. In this way, a new programming language is called Java.

Although, in the early nineties, the improvement of the electronic device did not improve, as did Sun. For this reason, at that time, JAVA is unnecessary due to the possibility of canceling this project. But finally, the discovery of the World Wide Web in 1993 gave new life to Java because it was found that Java has been playing an immensely role in the vast work of multimedia content on websites. Today, in modern times, Java is built with a large variety of industrial software.

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